w3ird @w3ird - 4mo
in before we find out nostr:npub1acg6thl5psv62405rljzkj8spesceyfz2c32udakc2ak0dmvfeyse9p35c once told nostr:npub1az9xj85cmxv8e9j9y80lvqp97crsqdu2fpu3srwthd99qfu9qsgstam8y8 his shoe was untied, preventing him from tripping and is being paid back by getting funding for his project. #corruption #readbetweenthelines #youcanseethewires #thereweremultipleshooters #thefrogsaregay #hesaclone nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzq7rn8p6hlsjavhxe9yu56hnhz085xcuw35jearw0t3emsd8ts50jqqsr60ntyqe7mlp5fqcqmgjm4l8tfeymn4rxfv3c6mptl6st7x2e5aq5cm4ml
carlos @sudocarlos - 4mo
How is this the only note with #thefrogsaregay
these are the real questions we should be asking?
can anyone confirm he isn't a frog? I think not.