Gigi @Gigi - 10mo
In other news: Blacksmith sentenced to 48 months jail; his knife was used to stab someone. This follows the incarceration of an automobile manufacturer, as one of his cars was used for a bank heist.
mleku @mleku - 9mo
Anyone doing dev or hosting of nostr should consider whether their nearby government is liable to make a show trial of them building tools "that someone might use as part of a crime or act of free speech" They won't go at you unless you got a lot of exposure for it most likely so it's not a reason to stop. For those who want to stay put, little fish, a good plan is to donate to a legal case to put this back in the box
yeah it's a show trial to intimidate people it's not gonna work, i been in the business of this for some time, drugs, bitcoin, now nostr, it's all the same... they can't really stop us, they don't have the budget see the movie THX-1138 for an illustration of how determined rebels in a socialistic totalitarian system are ultimately free because they can't really afford to enforce their authority only pretend to
Gigi @Gigi - 9mo
Can any lawyers or ppl with informed legal opinion weigh in on this?
"Open-source devs building non-custodial tools can be held responsible for criminal activity when crim. actors cannot be stopped or deanonymized"
also, anyone who has spent a decent amount of time in eastern europe will have heard stories and even directly experienced the culture of passive resistance that succeeds in stopping their bullshit
Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 9mo
Are we going to hold knife manufacturers responsible for stabbing victims?
all governments are liable to become totalitarian just be aware you may get attention from them if you get famous, government is an oligopoly - they don't let you into the cartel unless you pay your dues, so it's only success that you have to be careful of... if you get too successful, consider moving and/or moving operations to a more discrete and less visible arena
David @David - 9mo
They've been trying to demonize gun companies for decades...
That is wild.
"Where will they go next? Hunt down #Bitcoin core devs? Jail nostr:npub1y8av7a5337erepxphjf50c9p4w5ghu6zu56fjqklpw0n06d7wvgqwh5cy0 developers?"
Matt @Matt - 9mo
Privacy is the norm. KYC is abnormal. They are trying to make the normal seem abnormal and the abnormal normal. My guess is that who ever builds the right privacy preserving online tool for Bitcoin is going to have to pull a, launch, fuck off into the ether...if there's a target it'll be hit. They'd have to let go of all ego and claim, for their own sake. nostr:nevent1qqsq2z97mrm2u4j23av408pfyq8vz2a5zul8c9m9yn4j2pmunzkds3qpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvupzqmjxss3dld622uu8q25gywum9qtg4w4cv4064jmg20xsac2aam5nqvzqqqqqqysug9q2
Alejandro @alejandro - 9mo
Does this argument criminalize FOSS end to end encryption?
Yup. It's pretty crazy. nostr:nevent1qqstd94qfasvjjtcfhr88n5q9llslzsq20pcq3f9ls4jvkj7p2x4kycpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezu6twdaehgcfwvd3sygrwg6zz9hahfftnsup23q3mnv5pdz46hpj4l2ktdpfu6rhpthhwjvpsgqqqqqqs9zyxdw
Laeserin @Laeserin - 9mo
0xtr @0xtr - 9mo