Gigi @Gigi - 8mo
Can any lawyers or ppl with informed legal opinion weigh in on this?
"Open-source devs building non-custodial tools can be held responsible for criminal activity when crim. actors cannot be stopped or deanonymized"
Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 8mo
Are we going to hold knife manufacturers responsible for stabbing victims?
David @David - 8mo
They've been trying to demonize gun companies for decades...
That is wild.
"Where will they go next? Hunt down #Bitcoin core devs? Jail nostr:npub1y8av7a5337erepxphjf50c9p4w5ghu6zu56fjqklpw0n06d7wvgqwh5cy0 developers?"
Alejandro @alejandro - 8mo
Does this argument criminalize FOSS end to end encryption?
Yup. It's pretty crazy. nostr:nevent1qqstd94qfasvjjtcfhr88n5q9llslzsq20pcq3f9ls4jvkj7p2x4kycpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezu6twdaehgcfwvd3sygrwg6zz9hahfftnsup23q3mnv5pdz46hpj4l2ktdpfu6rhpthhwjvpsgqqqqqqs9zyxdw
Laeserin @Laeserin - 8mo