Laeserin @Laeserin - 10h
Deport them all and let God sort it out.
I'm beyond caring.
Does it? They keep telling us that they can't deport anyone because it's so hard to figure out which ones. Oh, it's so complicated and they're so many and it take so long to decide... Well, then, just deport all of them. Nobody without citizenship or permanent residency has a right to be here, and anyone misbehaving should have those immediately revoked.
I am so tired of hearing BUT THE PAPERWORK IS SO HARD AND THERE ARE SO MANY FORMS AND WE WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE THE LAWS AND... Shut up. You have only one legitimate job: common defense. Do it.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 9h
We wrote the rules. Rewrite them.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 8h
Let them in and then shoot them?
Laeserin @Laeserin - 7h
We're literally going bankrupt with the "form a circle with our chairs and talk about our Weltschmerz" method. I think "deport them" is the humanitarian choice over civil war, but you do you.
This has been never-ending for a decade. Billions and billions of Euros, right down the drain.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 6h
That's what they do, now. The borders are only defended against "right-wingers". They are not allowed in. Suddenly, the borders work. Magic.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 2h
Everyone who entered the country illegally broke the law. Let's start there.