tanel - 2y
as i often have trouble falling asleep, people have been recommending me to take a melatonin pill half an hour before going to bed. what are you’re experiences with it and is there anything i should be worried about?
Séimí Mac Síomón @Séimí Mac Síomón - 2y
You don't need that shite man. Cut your screen time down and no unnatural light an hour before bed.
ภ๏รtг๏ภคยt @ภ๏รtг๏ภคยt - 2y
Will make your Dick small and reduce your T lvls.
Drink valerian root if you're that bad.
nothenry @nothenry - 2y
Helps at first but ultimately messes your sleep up even more. You will get trippy dreams tho so thats fun
source? 🤔
never heard of valerian root before 🤔
Common sense man, how you gonna sleep with bright lights blasting you in the face?
Groggy during the first hour of the day? 🤔
MrShroom🍄 @MrShroom🍄 - 2y
Don't play with your hormones. It's the system of connected vessels. You will fuck up something else and then might never get back to proper hormone levels.
Fair enough buddy 💜
roya ୨୧ @roya ୨୧ - 2y
try something more natural!! smoke weed
i wish i could, didn’t have the most positive experience with it 🤔 that’s an interesting discussion to have though 💜
Oh sorry you were on about the t-levels.
pukka @jared - 2y
Try magnesium
yeah, fair enough 😂💜 been hearing about the wild dreams a lot 😂
ah i understand. my brother is the same way with it. i also recommend working out or going for a long walk before bedtime. helps me a lot
54fc6 - 2y
I really enjoy reading the tips 😂
nobody @nobody - 2y
I don’t get a lot of these comments. But I’ve been on melatonin for years and it radically changed my life. I went years without sleeping. That being said: * it will only work if you are deficient in melatonin. * taking more does not have an effect. Your body only uses what uses. * you may notice grogginess in the morning. This faded for me over time.
Melatonin is literally a chemical produced by your body.
matata @matata - 2y
i’d love to hear your thoughts and also sleep hygiene and habits 💜🤗 think we all could improve our sleep just by 1%, which would be huge for us on the longer term
My tips are a bit weird again. However, I never had problems with falling asleep. Lots of exercise throughout the day (hopefully your knee will be ok soon 🫂). Intermittent fasting, so no eating after 8 pm. Preferably no coffee, at least not after 4 pm. Time in nature. Magnesium actually helps. No sugar if possible. No media an hour before sleep. Meditate in the evening, take a warm shower, maybe a long walk. Get up early in the morning. How does that sound? Pretty exhausting, isn't it? 😂
anything but weird to be honest, inspiring if anything ❤️ thank you so much Mara 🫂
I personally wont look into supplements yet my main issue is not adhering to a proper routine during the day and right before sleep i know what i need to do, i just have to do it lol i need to get out of my own way is what it is