The Pentographer @The Pentographer - 20d
My most recent pairing. The Asvine V200 paired with Diamine Black Ivy. I could have paired it with a brighter ink, but I wanted to test out the Black Ivy and they both showed up within a few days of each other. So far, so good on the V200. Besides the little o-rings on the back coming off pretty easy, it's a very nice, high-end feeling pen. Just don't post it and you're good. I tried gluing the o-rings in there but I just made a mess so I don't post it now. It's another good #EDC pen that feels substantial and is backed by a surprising quality. Good work Asvine! All in, I would say this is a great pen for a decent price. I highly recommend picking one up! In related news, I'm going to try to do some more of these posts this month as the giveaway took up almost all of my posts last month so I'm going to push the second #pengiveaway to the last week of November to compensate! As always, may your pen always be inked! 🖋 #penstr #letters #fountainpens #artstr
The Pentographer @The Pentographer - 19d
This one was a little quicker than I normally do so it's not as thorough. I've had a lot going on lately and things won't settle down for a while but I'm doing my best to keep active and continuing to post reviews, thoughts etc. Noted! I'll be sure to add some more of those photos to reviews in the future!
I love the feedback! It is absolutely appreciated! I'm very happy to hear others' ideas on how I can improve my work. I am thrilled that there is a community here as well. I started in it just because I found a new hobby and it's grown from there. I can't wait to see where the community is in a year, two years and more from now.