Não gosto de babacoin.
Inscitia @Inscitia - 2h
By "modern philosophy" I mean the last 500 years.
Sincerity is something important and modern philosophy lacks it.
I've read Discourse of the Method when I was nineteen. I liked a lot. But recently I was influenced by a Brazilian philosopher called Olavo de Carvalho who pointed out that Descartes wasn't be sincere in its exposition and he convinced me. I think there is no translation into English at this point.
Good images. I liked Descartes. Not anymore.
I am talking about the book Physics by Aristotle, not what is commonly called physics. Anyway, I am a physicist.
And looks like Marxism.
It means something like assholecoiners.
Better, babacoiners.
In Portuguese I call these Bitcoin worshippers "babacoin".
Inscitia @Inscitia - 3h
I don't think he is retarded. I was just being hyperbolic. But I think he is wrong.
Perhaps. I'm having a very hard time trying to understand Physics. Well, Avicena said it read dozens of times Physics before he STARTED to understand it.
I am reading Kant's biography. Slowly. I don't know whether he is a genius or a retarded. 😁
Aristotle is 300 bc language. Aristotle is hard because what we have are his lecture notes, his "esoteric" work. His dialogues were lost. We have everything feom Plato and he only published "exoteric" works, only dialogues. That makes Aristotle feels much more harsh than Plato.
Have you ever tried Physics by Aristotle?
Sometimes Kant looks like a retarded. Prolegomena is easier but I didn't read it entirely.
In fact in Critique of Pure Reason he is responding to Hume and I am not sure about what Hume is saying too.
I do not understand him.
It is from Richard Borcherds. I've already shared it but I am retarded and "deleted" it.
There is an video lecture by an renowned mathematician saying that is hard to define what is definebility. I will get it.
I shall follow you now because I'm not talking to myself anymore.