Philosopher. Animal behavior consultant. Anarchist. Will work for sats.
Dan @Trainer Dan - 1y
Define “value”… there are currently some elderly who have long outlived their value, for a particular definition of value
ETH is toxic for dogs
the goal is to store enough wealth II sats that at some point you become willing to exchange sats for goods and services
The unfunded socialist welfare programs must go away. The criminals were the politicians who made false promises and robbed their people through inflation to give to key supporters- like these welfare recipients. It's wrong to steal from people to give to other people and we shouldn't be siding with those who wish to protect their illgotten privileges
Humans act in order to alleviate a felt need. It doesn't matter if the actions are the best means, only that the acting person believes the action will achieve the desired result. People don't always know their true motivations and will usually just make up a story to justify their decision after the decision has already been made emotionally or intuitively. While this may seem to be an argument against human beings being rational actors, the key takeaway here is that what a human actor values is revealed through his actions rather than by what he says his values are.
Intermittent fasting, avoiding seed oils and processed foods, limiting carbs, eating more red meat, and cooking almost all my own food.
Every talk, every podcast, hell every NOSTR post is adding energy into the system, priming it for what will one day appear to be a sudden change. Consider the culture and our economy like a pot of water. Bitcoin is a fire lit underneath that pot. The water can appear absolutely unchanged while heat builds up slowly and unseen. Then there are some minor changes to the surface that you might miss if you’re not paying attention. But then finally it boils. Keep the heat on full blast. Change is coming.
BitKit beta has expired? Anyone know the latest on the project?
Ha. Let’s see them enforce this
Dan @Trainer Dan - 2y
ZBD is the social app that pays you! Get in line for the party, bring the vibes and get ready to win some great prizes!
Well, not being manipulated and censored is kind of nice
Pete is right every once in a while. Here he is being right
I think Wikipedia is hoping to convince you to send them enough money to make the ads stop. Classic negative reinforcement.
Hypothetical scenario: Cascading failures in the US banking sector result in the complete cessation of all banking activity. Money cannot be moved, deposited or withdrawn in the US and all other dollar-dependent nations. Credit cards and checking accounts are all frozen. Mainstream (government compliant) crypto exchanges either shut down or experience catastrophic runs as depositors attempt to pull crypto assets and place them in cold storage or convert to Bitcoin since that network is unaffected by the banking collapse. The government says it will solve the crisis but all citizens should expect for the next 7 days to be unable to access any assets held in banks or online trading platforms. QUESTION: with the resources currently at your disposal and with your financial assets arranged as they are at this moment, what would you do to survive and even thrive in the scenario described?
A mostly peaceful financial collapse. If you have your bitcoin in cold storage, you can laugh and point while the rest of the world burns down.