Evan @Evan - 1d
This feels like a nudge at the federal government to prepare for Bretton Woods 2.0 down the road #econstr #bitcoin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtb-k2BxuL0
Evan @Evan - 7d
It is absolutely wild to take a step back and ponder the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. What a massive shift from Chokepoint 2.0 just months ago. While the use of civil asset forfeiture creates terrifying incentives, this feels like the biggest win yet for sound money in my lifetime. #econstr
Evan @Evan - 27d
These stocks are down to 500 million pounds as of Feb 1, per USDA NASS #potatostr #econstr nostr:nevent1qqswwnmjjagu30wyf937308azzkkf7qvldynq55u5c3e5j3vpqpk6gsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgs8sc6870qd80nx05pnp33900x5c36fcd2j40srcuuqmj3yyhucw0qrqsqqqqqptacl87
Evan @Evan - 29d
The emergence of predatory debt financing schemes for household grocery purchases is another good sign of bad times #econstr https://finance.yahoo.com/news/5-buy-now-pay-later-110103886.html nostr:nevent1qqsp4yzaqk8tf5xwmg52psztrsjtwt78pzqaers0l05txfpvc5l9s5spr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgsrurqt0mqnc59ykzam0tytw58l32c0zwuqmrledccyn875pndg48srqsqqqqqpdf9707
Evan @Evan - 2mo
Paging #econstr
Evan @Evan - 3mo
Feeling bullish on #econstr. Really hoping to disrupt Steve Liesman's market share.
Check out #econstr - it's lit
If you ever need a good laugh, go back and read FOMC dot plots from around 2019-2022. #econstr
I like earning an analog future by saving digital money. #econstr
Nebraska growers, dealers, and processors held 630 million pounds of potatoes in storage on 12/1 according to USDA. #econstr
Evan @Evan - 4mo
Good news: even with inflation, it will only take 6,932 years to double the money in my high-yield savings account. Isn't compound interest amazing?! #econstr
Who is paying for this and why? It seems pretty wasteful and bad for the environment. Of course the tradition began in 1970 - in line with other ills of fiat currency. #econstr https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/local/altoona/2024/11/14/us-capitol-christmas-tree-route-whistlestop-tour-altoona-iowa/76255773007/
GM even the BLS has to throw in the towel at some point - is the labor market starting to roll over? #econstr https://image.nostr.build/1a17406b5d15f5aa5ddfd14fa67f424f4c9a0d9d6512853460e6ee1af70e9770.jpg https://image.nostr.build/09e5f78d405526cc15d82fe6e41e7da4f2be702ce917fd73f33f03fe6deb5867.jpg https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
Evan @Evan - 5mo
It's fun to watch #bitcoin exchange rates chase all time highs at the same time dollar maximalists are crapping their pants over who controls a money printer. It's almost like free market price signals could tell us something useful about Thiers' Law. #econstr
Hey, YoY M2 came out its hottest since August 2022 - back when base effects were in style #econstr nostr:nevent1qqsprf7xenk260s99zapmljaejxpkt84rgnfndvutrtasn27m9wlygcpzdmhxue69uhk7enxvd5xz6tw9ec82c30qgs8sc6870qd80nx05pnp33900x5c36fcd2j40srcuuqmj3yyhucw0qrqsqqqqqptlyhsm
GM the St. Louis Fed curates data series on FRED for litecoin and bcash prices at Coinbase. NGMI #econstr