The: Daniel ⚡️ @daniel - 3d
There aren’t enough of us for starter packs, lol. Give me the #Artstr and #Footstr starter packs, please. Okay, you just followed 9 people.
Aeontropy @Aeontropy - 12d
Delivering some #POW with some of #footstr
Aeontropy @Aeontropy - 13d when was the last time I post a #footstr note...? lol
Yarnlady @Yarnlady - 14d
Second dessert... #cigar #cigarstr #treatyoself bonus #footstr
Eric FJ @EricFJ - 14d
Keep your #footstr and #foodstr posts at least 3 apart you freaks or else we’ll end up with CBDCs
walker @walker - 27d
#footstr is coming back, which means #Bitcoin is about to pump. I don’t make the rules. nostr:note1ju3qt27u0cz5wkwh2wg94qfsewd9d7dg4fdszs4f7x8lnj5qgcpqvklhz6
Logen @Logen - 1mo
GM/GA/GE #footstr #wifestr nostr:nevent1qqsxas7ulq93cuvxmsplgyd4s9kxef6jwlc68twzv8yjwmrnt3req8qzyzudlsxy0tqg2zx4aczrc5yzqgkc527m23hadt9358hqnmd685znjqcyqqqqqqgs6e0sl
The: Daniel ⚡️ @daniel - 1mo
Especially #footstr.
Jay @Jay - 1mo
#asknostr #nostr give me your pleb requests. Extra points if you've suggested it before, but it got shot down or it just never happened. nostr:nevent1qqsqxyen3zr3k3we6v4833ejmx63fx0642dcpf5rlpqf622r4d6ttuspzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7q3q0mtatsat7ph6rsq0w8u8npt8d86x4jfr2nqjnvld2439q6f8ugqqxpqqqqqqzlyhs78 #grownostr #plebchain #bitcoin #homestead #footstr #siamstr
Eric FJ @EricFJ - 2mo
Forgot to #footstr
Sir Spencer, Wolf of KC 🐺 @Spencer - 2mo
Happy February! This happened to be the most daring of the nostr:npub19ha7tju4teqp3dmwv4p28wrcy9zd6h6hxkg5mwvjrlfycweazpkse2q0fa calendar pages thus far, so click at your own risk! 🙈 #boobstr #nudestr #footstr #nsfw
Cameri @Cameri - 2mo
For a second I thought #footstr ?????
TKay @TKay - 2mo
#footstr but on a completely different level. 😅
#footstr ? 🤙
walker @walker - 2mo
#footstr 🦶 nostr:note1gq6kzhvspfrlu8wmlhwscfgwltpt93cgh2aekty904yh2f4kr6fsfu0579
mleku @mleku - 2mo
y'all forgot to tag it #footstr
Filou @Filou - 2mo
#buttstr 🍑 is the new #footstr
Did I miss something about everyone taking pictures with shoes on their heads..? Is this a #footstr thing?
Jay @Jay - 2mo
Good way to train your flexibility and strength. Great tip. But also Peace is Every Step 🙏🦶 #footstr