I find Discord utterly confusing
Dan Wedge @WedgeSocial - 1y
I gave up on it and telegram
Aeontropy @Aeontropy - 1y
It's IRC with extra steps 🤣
Ryan @Ryan - 1y
💯 Internet forums were replaced by something far inferior.
telegram is really good; only 80% bloated with unnecessary shit and the fact that it doesn't pretend to be e2e, and the fact that you're russia is getting the metadata instead of the NSA but discord is worse
can you give me the TL;DR of your note?
I feel I am when I am on discord 😂
The: Daniel⚡️ @The: Daniel⚡️ - 1y
My kids love it and I don’t know what the fuck is going on every time I open it and it makes me feel like I’m stupid.
you're not stupid we're just old af 😂
85080 - 1y
It’s awful!
b8bee - 1y
I concur.
Nick Klockenga @newtonick - 1y
Glad I’m not the only one
3878d - 1y
yup, definitely a maze of controls and sometimes doesn't sync on different devices. But, the screenshare and streaming video for groups is pretty decent.
97c70 - 1y
it's for with