Silberengel @Silberengel - 2mo
I think this is a good example of where I'd want to float the image to the left or right, and wrap the text. Otherwise, there's this awkward empty space. In the original Asciidoc file, the text is wrapped, and I'd want to preserve that. Then, it'd render like this (how I see it in my IDE):
Asciidoc has lots of little formatting tricks, that make the entire document look so much more elegant, than Markdown. nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzplfq3m5v3u5r0q9f255fdeyz8nyac6lagssx8zy4wugxjs8ajf7pqqsfmdanw2d79s4m9gv5saqtsy9pszs2l2tu63ly62agfdqkdemy6lsryztdy