Uncle Rockstar @ROCKSTAR - 1y
gm 🌞🔥 hyperbitcoinization is inevitable, but it'll be more fun if you add to it https://m.primal.net/HLoc.mp4
75f45 - 1y
gm sir, Im still not over the fact you won't be at nostr:npub1nstrcu63lzpjkz94djajuz2evrgu2psd66cwgc0gz0c0qazezx0q9urg5l
this is d wae
he's a great scammer
ah, so Mariusz receives these zaps
PV dangerously
Bitter21 @Bitter21 - 1y
Just stack it https://youtu.be/_qsXlXxk9jA?feature=shared
my gm post made better 🫂
Zaps to nostr:npub1chtxjzhuw99wmhs2kunap9shjekesmglu2atp40rtgsyctdlemwsfpf7kg #einundzwanzig
Put his lightning address in your profile
He's professional apology scammer, this just one of many of his stunts