43fab - 2y
#[0] will cut #[1] production by 500,000 barrels a day from May to December in coordination with some other #[2] and non-OPEC countries https://breaking.iavian.net/article/333424
2/ More: Several major oil producing countries have joined Saudi Arabia in announcing production cuts that could send world oil prices higher. Saudi Arabia said it would cut production by 500,000 barrels per day from May until the end of the year
29f52 - 2y
#[0] Faux tonight: “more bad news for Biden.”
d8ff6 - 2y
#[0] As much as this is a political move to make people angry about the US administration, we've got to get off the oil addiction sooner or later (unless we prefer "Mad Max")
62f63 - 2y
#[0] Sounds "Kushy" to me. Diversion from FIL's legal problems....look what Biden has done to the country now tactic? Or am I overly suspicious of Jared, the weasel?
2f03f - 2y
#[0] #[1] no, I think you're spot on