8f158 - 2y
Today we had our monthly Homesteader’s Alliance meeting in Dickson, Tennessee. I started the group as a way to connect with like-minded people close to me and as a mutual assistance group. If you are anywhere in the area and want to come next month, let me know and I will get you the details! We discuss lots of interesting topics. #grownostr #homesteading #agorist #selfreliance #livingfree #dickson #tennessee
d1f8a - 2y
Sorry we didn't make it, we wanted to... Had too many things to get done on the homestead. See Ya'll next month.
75bf2 - 2y
What does homestead mean to you? Is it related to how Rothbard describes it in The Ethics of Liberty?
It will be here at our homestead next month. Burning some biochar. 😊
For us, it means opting out of systems of control to the best of our ability. The more we can do and provide for ourselves, the less others have control over our personal life decisions. It means working outside “the system” as much as we can.
And thank you for that big ole zap!!!
So like agorism?
Exactly. 😊
a0952 - 2y
I love the idea of a group like this. I have a ton of neighbors that are actively homesteading. I really should organize something with them.
We meet once a month. We are learning ham radio together as well. Trying to get study groups together