tanel - 2y
as i often have trouble falling asleep, people have been recommending me to take a melatonin pill half an hour before going to bed. what are you’re experiences with it and is there anything i should be worried about?
Séimí Mac Síomón @Séimí Mac Síomón - 2y
You don't need that shite man. Cut your screen time down and no unnatural light an hour before bed.
ภ๏รtг๏ภคยt @ภ๏รtг๏ภคยt - 2y
Will make your Dick small and reduce your T lvls.
Drink valerian root if you're that bad.
nothenry @nothenry - 2y
Helps at first but ultimately messes your sleep up even more. You will get trippy dreams tho so thats fun
source? 🤔
never heard of valerian root before 🤔
Common sense man, how you gonna sleep with bright lights blasting you in the face?
Groggy during the first hour of the day? 🤔
MrShroom🍄 @MrShroom🍄 - 2y
Don't play with your hormones. It's the system of connected vessels. You will fuck up something else and then might never get back to proper hormone levels.
Fair enough buddy 💜
roya ୨୧ @roya ୨୧ - 2y
try something more natural!! smoke weed
i wish i could, didn’t have the most positive experience with it 🤔 that’s an interesting discussion to have though 💜
Oh sorry you were on about the t-levels.
pukka @jared - 2y
Try magnesium
yeah, fair enough 😂💜 been hearing about the wild dreams a lot 😂
ah i understand. my brother is the same way with it. i also recommend working out or going for a long walk before bedtime. helps me a lot
54fc6 - 2y
I really enjoy reading the tips 😂
nobody @nobody - 2y
I don’t get a lot of these comments. But I’ve been on melatonin for years and it radically changed my life. I went years without sleeping. That being said: * it will only work if you are deficient in melatonin. * taking more does not have an effect. Your body only uses what uses. * you may notice grogginess in the morning. This faded for me over time.
Melatonin is literally a chemical produced by your body.
huh, that’s interesting yeah. how does the melatonin pill consumption affect your deep sleep etc
I’m giving up caffeine right now to see how that affects me
just by logic, because the dreams get really wild, it would be logical assume that the REM sleep phase is much longer than usual