Will @jb55 - 2y
Damus will be removed from the app store in 14 days, apple says zaps are not allowed on their platform because they *could* be used by content creators to sell digital content. This is right before I’m about to give my talk at the oslo freedom forum on how decentralized social networks with lightning integration are bringing financial freedom to the masses... pretty sus… 😕 This would be a watershed moment: If people can’t transact freely p2p on their platform, this has huge implications for the entire ecosystem of apps with lightning integration and v4v. https://nostr.build/i/a0b028e5b90ae3ae9fb89284425278f4a229accc6e33ddc62b9bf79b3d106a89.jpg https://nostr.build/i/2376418037dec06d83076b6a5c804c5366a8583d935d321ab0ed177771d40192.jpg
7ca66 - 2y
Wow, sorry to hear Will. Typical rent-seeking Apple wanting their cut of everything just because they exist.
Pextar @Pextar - 2y
Fuck Apple🤬
brianco @brianco - 2y
Whoa! They’ll disable the TestFlight version also? 🙄
97161 - 2y
Can anyone confirm Settings > General > Developer Tools has side-loading of apps in iOS17? (Possibly only in Europe)
Been meaning to switch to Android for a while anyway - time we learn Android development Will?! ;-)
Tony @Tony - 2y
Can we prepare some kind of a petition or something?
ava @ava - 2y
fuck apple's walled garden. open source is the way nostr:nevent1qqs2kykye4njfls6sf9yux4694rewxezqke4mncc8dkmlj9m3j89gvspz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumtfd3hh2tnvdakqygpjuxp8vd29p6ancknaztql3eajk52y8xkppfn7au7elkw9c68zg5psgqqqqqqs2tgjum
Have you done this? Seems relatively straightforward but obviously it’s huge friction to the average user
Intuitive Guy☯️⚡ @Intuitive Guy☯️⚡ - 2y
Apple is a corporation. AppleStore is shit. This is why I never bought anything from them after my iPhone3. #AppleShouldDie and #Nostr will raise.. nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s, do something. nostr:nevent1qqs2kykye4njfls6sf9yux4694rewxezqke4mncc8dkmlj9m3j89gvspzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejsygpjuxp8vd29p6ancknaztql3eajk52y8xkppfn7au7elkw9c68zg5psgqqqqqqscw0q2v
#BoycottApple : #Nostr = #BoycottFIAT : #Bitcoin
baa52 - 2y
I’m sure you’ll figure out something with the help of the community. You’ve done such amazing work it’s unreal.
How are zaps associated with receiving content anyway? Doesn’t seem more associated than say someone sharing a Lightning invoice on Twitter and saying “pay this, get content”…
sommerfeld @sommerfeld - 2y
Play around in a walled garden, be disappointed when your master sends you early to bed without supper. Rough but in the end iron sharpens iron. The only way out I see for iOS users (besides stop using it) is PWAs... Use a freedom phone if you want freedom. nostr:nevent1qqs2kykye4njfls6sf9yux4694rewxezqke4mncc8dkmlj9m3j89gvspvemhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0dec82c33xeerqarv8psnxwtgdp3hyctsvycrxdf489uxz6rndfck5drnxpunvapjdc6kwurydvmrga3sxe48gem9ddckg6m6x4cxc0mzwfhkzerrv9ehg0t5wf6k2q3qxtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsxpqqqqqqz7nrkar
Humble Bitcoiner @humblebitcoiner - 2y
Wtf 😳
126df - 2y
Is it also prohibited to paste lightning invoices?
We don’t even have pay-to-view content support this and it would have to be specifically implemented by Damus for it to be relevant. Is there an appeal mechanism to discuss or once they made up their mind about something it’s done?
yegorpetrov @yegorpetrov - 2y
nobody @nobody - 2y
Happy to. On iOS 17 it’s no longer in general, it’s just Settings -> Developer No, side loading is not there in the US. It is only going to be enabled in EU.
Just upgraded too. Also tried changing region to France. Digital Markets Act (Europe): “It entered into force on 1 November 2022 and will become applicable, for the most part, on 2 May 2023.[3] After this, the gatekeepers will be identified and they will have to comply by 6 March 2024 at the latest.[4]”
You know they’ll wait to last minute. I question my previous opinion on side loading, but this does have me reconsidering.