Laeserin @Laeserin - 3mo
What they want me to think: It's not an Islamic terror attack, just a Middle-Eastern one, so it's okay. What I think: That just makes it that much easier to figure out who to deport. #Germany
I hold the incompetent voters responsible. They keep voting for MOAR MUSLIM IMMIGRATION, like it's a fountain of happiness and joy. Idiots.
Yes. Thankfully. We can all just get on a plane and go. Tomorrow.
The media tells people what they like to hear. It's a symbiosis. The truth is out there, for those who care to look.
Merkel is having a book tour.
I'm not planning on leaving.
They will get much worse before they get better. The economic downturn has barely even started in our export markets, and peace in Ukraine will flood us with cheap goods. There's a new wave of bitter, resentful refugees headed our way. And it looks like the Greens and/or SPD are going to stroll back into the next government because the voters are literally insane. And the ECB has not yet even begun to print. But to leave is to cede territory and I'm recalcitrant. I'm just digging in and stacking my sats.
Congratulations, by the way.
We vote in January. Let's see how retarded the voters are.
You were this many days old, when you realized that some people apply for asylum because it's a way to enter the country without the background check that a normal visa would require, and prevents you from being deported, once they realize how vile you are.
And, yet, nobody was eager to take on the Germans as housepets, after the Nazis lost the war and they had to make public reparations and apologies for decades, to reenter polite society. I do not know why only German men are held to that high moral standard. Actions have consequences. You cannot claim asylum as a group and then demand we don't revoke your asylum as as group.
We can wave the ME Christians past, as culturally integratable, but that's like 5 dudes.
Germany usually only deports criminals to "safe origin countries".