0xtr @0xtr - 10mo
#Trump is saying he will let #Ross #Ulbricht out on day 1 if he gets elected. He should, and I hope he does, but I don't trust him for one second. US politicians will say anything to get elected in the November elections. There will be lies and then there will be even more lies. https://blossom.oxtr.dev/f1393991c1a242f14b934eab1af9df00e828a532b94e88d24bd811e15abbc7ae.mp4
Yeah before being elected, he said publicly that he liked Assange and what had done but after he was elected he suddenly didn't know much about him 🤷♂️ They're a bunch of lying powerhungry weasly snakes.
Works fine for me on Nostrudel. It doesn't load for you?
Yeah you have to be severly retarded to believe anything these people say by now
Oh yeah, I actually had issues loading a video on nostr:npub18m76awca3y37hkvuneavuw6pjj4525fw90necxmadrvjg0sdy6qsngq955 too but didn't have time to report it anywhere
It works perfectly fine on my macbook. It's just a mp4 file? Does this one work for you? It's a link to sattelite.earth's blossom server. https://blob.satellite.earth/f1393991c1a242f14b934eab1af9df00e828a532b94e88d24bd811e15abbc7ae
Yeah, selfhosted blossom-server instance https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom-server
Seems like satellite.earth's Blossom instance doesn't support filetype endings 🤷♂️
The Blossom spec requires blossom server implementations to accept a file extension on the end of the hash in the url "The endpoint MUST accept an optional file extension in the URL. ie. .pdf, .png, etc" https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/blob/master/buds/01.md#get-sha256---get-blob
but I don't think this is related to you not being able to play the video though because my video loads in the web browser both with or without the file extension in the url path when I use my own Blossom server instance
calvadev⚡️ @calvadev⚡️ - 10mo