jaredlogan @jaredlogan - 10h
Cheap and old hardware is really cool - and can often go a really long way. My primary camera is 20 years old this year. I have two macbook pros still running for over a decade. I prefer playing a lot of games on a CRT TV. I use a optiplex 980 for a homelab and playing with some bitcoins. I still play gameboy and SNES. Canon 5D (2005) Canon 5D Mark II (2008) Macbook Pro (2011 & 2014) Optiplex 980 (2010) Gameboy Color (1998) SNES (1990) My point is there is plenty to enjoy. Even on a budget. We live in unprecedented times. But it takes intention, or necessity to not be wasteful. Use, Reuse, repurpose, and repair! I too need to be reminded that I have more than I could ever ask for.
jaredlogan @jaredlogan - 9h