tisza @tisza - 1y
For anyone suffering from seasonal allergies 🌾, here's a personal anecdote. Ever since I started taking beef 🐮 liver supplements I've had 0 allergy symptoms. Today was an extreme pollen count for ragweed which would typically **kill** me; watery/itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose..."the works" 🤧. I felt great 😎 today, in what would have otherwise been instant regret for not taking allergy "medicine". Maybe something worth trying. 🤷 The honey thing never worked for me. #tipstr #healthstr #plebchain #allergies #beefstr
sourcenode @sourcenode - 1y
Thanks for the tip, I was just defrosting some. How much do you eat and how is it prepared?
That is my kyptonite. I can't eat liver without my gag reflex triggering. Instead I'm taking freeze-dried liver capsules daily.
~2580mg daily
I have fried it up in butter and enjoyed it. Going to try some with my eggs this morning and see how it goes 🙂