The Pentographer @The Pentographer - 19d
Infinite money you say. Okay, let's break it down a bit. What size of page am I working with? 8.5 × 11? What is my line spacing? Am I doing every line or double-spaced? It depends on the subject. Am I recreating something already written or writing it fresh myself? Is there proofreading involved? I would have to account for page rewrites for quality as well which would get less over time as I get better (which I have since I started). I don't want mistakes in a handwritten book. Then we need to consider paper quality, ink choice(s) and binding costs. Binding is something that would need to be outsourced as that's a skill I do not have so that's a bit more time. I think that covers most of the factors I can think of at the moment. #penstr #letters #fountainpens #artstr