tanel - 1y
what was the first ever social media/online account you ever created? i think it must’ve been microsoft outlook and msn for me 🤔
Duude, I think I completely missed the MySpace era, don’t think I’ve ever even been on their site 😂
b56fd - 1y
Icq or outlook probably
6389b - 1y
Ultima Online
never heard of the first one 🤔🤔
Doesn’t ring a bell, was it an email thing? 🤔
throwback time 😂💜 https://i.nostr.build/nADE.gif
🤣🤣 i swear i know what floppies and cassettes are
Never heard of Migente before, also a social media place? 🤔
ICQ? 🤔 enlighten me julio 💜
taette 📚🧽 @taette - 1y
Yea for me too.
oh daaaamn, i would’ve really loved that 😂💜
It was a game 😁
ohhh, that’s so cool to have your language based online community like that
let’s see 👀 if it’s any good i’ll stream it if possible and try it out
Newgrounds? 🤔 Could you educate me on what it is?
uhmm, i don’t know what it is really, but sure, why not 💜
Do you remember you number? I got two. One with only 6 digits 😅😅😅 Tough times
It’s the icon in Microsoft Word, right? imagine it being a CD-ROM for the future generation 🤣
Staaaaahhhp.. You dont know icq and usnet... Broo 😅😅😅🫣
node @node - 1y
nobody @nobody - 1y
Honestly miss that too. Back when apps were utilitarian and very few people cared about “pretty.” We wanted fast, and as few clicks as possible.
yeah… data collection, ad space etcetc. some of the stuff peaked in utilitarianism quite a long time ago
Very few people can name one thing Microsoft Office does now that it didn’t do in 2000. Except all the phony homey stuff.
asks for subscriptions and has the wonderful ability to take up more disk space 🤗