tanel - 4mo
do we ever have enough? feel like my brain's programmed into a constant state of "more" just an inevitability of a consumeristic and capitalistic society?
Karnage @Karnage - 4mo
More of what
Everything, I feel like my brain constantly readjusts further whatever carrot I'm currently chasing
TKay @TKay - 4mo
Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure - Arabic Proverb.
gratitude keeps you happy about what you have wanting more keeps you something to work towards to and a purpose maybe?
🤷♂️ I only want more of 1 thing (I think you know what that is) and everything else is more of replacement of consumables (things getting used up or worn out, breaking etc). I’m curious what other things people want more of 🤔
i assume your talking about sats, but maybe... more time with their family?
what do you do for fun? 🤔
Correct 😂 Talking about material things. Plenty of time with family already
Oh, you're rather fortunate then, really happy for you 💜 More monitors, typefaces and new quirky tech gadgets
that's a beautiful life brother
Definitely so 🤗 What's keeping you so positive and grateful? Would be curious to learn how you think about mindset and attitude overall
That's beautiful, well done to your parents on teaching you that 🤗 It really truly has been
ohh, I have seen and listened a bunch of his podcasts, but this episode looks new to me perfect 🤗