Who doesn't. But get this: 1) Bitcoin is money of the people (?) 2) People never sell 3) And yet, the price drops. Usually for no reason, never at times like before Christmas for mass spending on gifts and parties. And if there ever is reason, then it is always something global corporate financial stuff that most people don't understand and don't know about it happening until that is explained on tv after the fact. The problem is: bitcoin is unedible; most bitcoiners don't produce and don't sell anything edible, those who sell edible stuff don't accept bitcoin. Therefore, fiat cannot be completely ignored. But the gates between bitcoin and fiat are completelly controlled not by people but by very few very big entities (most of which are controlled by the same hand), who of course manipulate the price whatever they want, because they have unlimited fiat and therefore control all the bitcoin in fluctuation. You can hodl all you want, and it does not matter for the price, if you do not also have a lot of fiat. They can drop the price to $1 and you will not be able to buy it with no fiat. Unless you borrow (big). But you don't. So they do whatever they want. It is not an achievement of the people, not the demand of bitcoin, it is only their mercy and their decision that we have the 100k. In conclusion: Trump (together with several other nuclear world leaders) a.k.a. Q is Satoshi. He pushed bitcoin into you without your consent, he unilaterally and singlehandedly is making you richer and others poorer because he so decided. You can scream and shout all you want, but you do not impact the world nor bitcoin a slightest bit. He does. nostr:nevent1qqsqpn7l76w6hdsjng37ampf6r5jv4n28nmjn82y4v9e63kjjzn6a6cpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfdupzqvhpsfmr23gwhv795lgjc8uw0v44z3pe4sg2vlh08k0an3wx3cj9qvzqqqqqqya2at48



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