Skhron - VPS for Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero @Skhron - VPS for Bitcoin, Lightning and Monero - 7h
I think detecting "spam" is a nontrivial task solely because each individual wants to read different content. Also, context matters - this bot is more like a notification and not a senseless copypasta - I doubt any automation tooling can distinguish them reliably.
Sure, I completely understand your viewpoint and respect it. But I think UX can be improved even further - but I am not sure how. It might be coalescence of all muted events due to npubs being considered "spammers" or some explanation/mention at the UI about kind of safe-mode/extra spam protection enabled. I mean #Amethyst will be much better if user will be able to notice some hidden settings being used even if they aren't willing to change defaults and expect things to behave differently