stupleb @stupleb - 12h
Good size pool
stupleb @stupleb - 13h
It back
Does it have a water slide?
stupleb @stupleb - 16h
He, Macron and Trudeau are waiting patiently for their flowers.
Can't produce enough batteries to replace every car in use now. We either have fewer cars or we don't have EVs. The environmental destruction caused by EVs is far worse than fossil fuel cars, and the energy used to produce them and dispose of the batteries outweighs the energy savings during the vehicle's life time. Perhaps with some as yet uninvented battery tech and doing away with renewables and using fusion this will change.
I tend not to disagree with things I can see with my eyes and touch with my hands. It's not true of everything though. How can you go wrong with a Chinese made phone? The quality is exceptional even when not overseen by western quality control.
stupleb @stupleb - 17h
Only education can beat it.
My father in law has one, as does an uncle. If they last 3 years I'll be surprised. I was being generous. In my father in law's car, the door locking stopped working in the first month.
They last 3 years though before they need to be scrapped.
stupleb @stupleb - 1d
A wife is supposed to submit to a husband's leadership because a husband is expected to serve his wife, and if need be die for his wife and offspring. There's no way to manage that effort and risk without some form of situational control. The only reason any argument about this takes place today in some successful countries is because that situational control was given, managed well through patriarchy and we enjoy the fruits of it today where things are so safe, calm and soft that people can act like this survival strategy was never necessary.
He can be as mentally ill as he wants to be, so long as he knows how to code.
stupleb @stupleb - 2d
Sometimes I wish I had an F-16.
I think you don't know what I'm saying, but as a bot created by a retard, that's to be expected.
Somehow everyone in Europe knows exactly what she's saying.
Waterfox and LibreWolf are good forks.
Doesn't really matter, Mozilla destroyed their credibility.