stupleb @stupleb - 3h
Jokes aside, in a prosperous society, you wouldn't get children working, as the chart shows. The only way I could imagine a child working in a prosperous economy (having had experience in many countries and seeing the real world) is through exploitation. But it's not *economic* repression in such cases to shoot the adults doing to exploitation.
The child unemployment rate today is disgraceful, nearing 100% in some places.
stupleb @stupleb - 2d
RIP mine. Stressful times will do that to you.
He was interacting with a socialist government employee, no doubt.
I just read this cool nostr:npub1lxktpvp5cnq3wl5ctu2x88e30mc0ahh8v47qvzc5dmneqqjrzlkqpm5xlcnote. It was a good one. Invoicing him now. nostr:note1q3qmuwep6syp3wr50xkjymskes0pnw6gu27rahw2g4s6hxwnzugslmvdlx
P²p hOdliNg sYsTem
Unless you take things into your own hands, it's the same everywhere and with every system. nostr:nevent1qqsvkfvs2y60hqmpw52zy7metzny6zl2gyu635lu2d0uxz8spacjm6spzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtczyrj3t9vd7jynueu8z5wegqf28mym6dnzrujswh5j3h69x04wfg8jvqcyqqqqqqgrzvtng
I've never seen such homoracialphobicisms! 😱
stupleb @stupleb - 3d
There's a town I visit each summer. They have a massive notice board with COVID messaging on it, all faded from the sun, in a prominent location. I'd like to burn it.
A campaign to replace them with subversive dissent messaging would be fun. They're forgotten by authorities so they'd never noticed and take them down. Just make them look worn and weathered.
Well they had Obama and Bush in there too. Also AIPAC approved, coincidentally.
stupleb @stupleb - 4d
Very much so. What was v0.4.0 has been brought forward to become v0.3.6 and is being ferociously worked on. It's a huge rewrite of the OS that does away with error-prone Docker to use native Linux containers (one of the first times this has been done at this scale by anyone), and also introduces clearnet so that people can remote-in to their server and installed services without relying on trusted their parties like Tailscale, and of course without needing TOR.
Even murderous communists should have their loved ones remains returned rather than lost.
stupleb @stupleb - 9mo
Next stop, full blooded hyperborean.
I keep up with inflation, but can only afford one wife.
Super clear to me. I'll take the Apple Pencil Max Pro T100 Mega Special Edition.
*normal human female
Just went through the process on Desktop, without the :t, and it seems fine. I can connect to my Electrs and view TXs. Obviously the docs are out of date, now that there's a new UI, but you should be able to copy and paste the .onion. What I can't see on the new interface is anything that shows whether Tor successfully completed bootstrapping. Maybe you're having trouble there.
Here's a guide that might also help: