Adrian Cantrill @Ado - 1y
I just upgraded to an apple watch ultra 2 - the size makes my wrists look tiny, but the battery life makes that all worth it :) - there is tons of other stuff which is awesome .. but the lack of battery anxiety is a refreshing feeling.
Trying Satellite ... seems like a great web client
Adrian Cantrill @Ado - 2y
name checks out ... movie reference.
Sometimes bitcoiners make me laugh. Them: we want to pay in bitcoin, build a bitcoin payment system. Me: builds full BTCPAY server with super connected LN node, starts accepting bitcoin. Them: we don't want to spend our bitcoin If you want people to integrate bitcoin into their businesses, stop moaning about spending your bitcoin with those businesses.
Must have cat DNA
25 mil channel incoming from Zarch. Will adjust over time as required. Hope it helps.
And this is your node right ? Making sure I’m not looking at a copycat, through with 8.4 BTC, probably not :) 031b301307574bbe9b9ac7b79cbe1700e31e544513eae0b5d7497483083f99e581@
Awesome, If there is any whitelisting required 023cd6704ce78644a568fbd993f65dc76fb1bf8bcce4c912930447c71d0c2698ad@ I’ll open a channel soonish, I’ll make sure it’s fatter than the min :) .. I’m a Zeus user… so want to help back however I can :)
Are you accepting incoming from everyone ? Good nodes (top100) ? Min channel size ?
I’ve been working myself up to it. The friction is that I’ve used it for my business. It’s hard to drop the algorithm created addiction.
Good quality blue light blocking glasses a few hours before your desired bedtime will work wonders. Make sure they are high quality ones which have high blocking levels ( they will generally be red coloured at higher levels ). Worked much better for me than time release melatonin.
Cool perspective. Looks like a huge kettlebell monument.
25GigE networking upgrade for this weeks #homelab upgrade.
I don't see LN listed.
Going to deposit some when I get a mo and see what the end destination is.
Likely this
Am I misreading the FAQ page, that withdrawal fees are almost the same as on-chain BTC and ETH ? how does it cost as much for an LN withdrawal ?
I've just updated another free #AWS mini project - this one steps you through creating a simple serverless application which uses Web Identity Federation (google sign-in to access AWS resources). If this is helpful, please retweet & follow.
Some people just break stuff to break it. Bitcoin. And lightning have been made stronger via being attacked and understanding the attacks and attackers.