Unbelonging makes you free 🌲
Strider @Strider - 2d
We were right
Strider @Strider - 6d
It sits in the garage and I start it on Sundays so the battery doesn't die 😂
Strider @Strider - 7d
I have a 1995 M3. Used to have a 2004 also.
Strider @Strider - 12d
I have this
Strider @Strider - 13d
never below 70 again
Get on zero makes this easy
100k eom
if you're a Bitcoin bear, I'm talking to you. You lost.
Strider @Strider - 14d
Idk. There were some interesting parts but overall I'm not sure that I got a lot out of it. Finishing it was an arduous task. Reading should be enjoyable.
Sovereign Individual is one of the most boring books I've ever read
I just started. So far it's been great. First paycheck hit at 5:30 the day of the election and went up 5% overnight 😂
Books & records on weekend mornings is tough to beat.
You haven't loaded the boat up yet?
Strider @Strider - 16d
I'm down to talk jiu jitsu and country music if anyone is interested. Oh, books too
Just finished my 13th book of the year.
Strider @Strider - 17d
Oss! I'm still a white belt, but next month will be 1 year of training 2-4x a week.
Facts. I go on twitter sometimes though to talk about stuff no one wants to talk about here. Like Jiu Jitsu and country music lmao