I’m a fullstack developer (nodejs, graphql, postgresql, vuejs), bitcoiner, but primarily a believer in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Peter Baričič @PeterBaricic - 11mo
Next day someone from Moscow tried to log into my LinkedIn. I didn’t have 2FA enabled, so I changed my password and enabled 2FA … and they didn’t block my account and don’t want my ID, so thank you LinkedIn. But everything would be better if I could just use my hardware key or Nostr key.
Facebook blocked my account. I have 2FA enabled, but according to FB someone else tried to log into my account so they blocked it and now they want a copy of my ID to get my account back. Well I don’t trust them and they can keep it. I’m finally free from FB. I didn’t use it anyway, but I “had” to be in multiple messenger groups (mostly kids school). Now I don’t care. Honestly I hate these FB messenger groups full of moms arguing about the most unimportant stuff.
Hearts of Iron 4 … I love this game as much as I hate it https://image.nostr.build/7e2ebf84b8c7ff93822bdaf599e9d25cd91e21dfdbb75879beb443c8da67b53d.jpg
Peter Baričič @PeterBaricic - 1y
I think Facebook is randomly locking peoples accounts just to force them to KYC themself
Finally Facebook locked my account. I don’t use it, I don’t post any stuff on FB, I had a very strong password with 2FA enabled. I had it only because of some school, parents and other chat groups on FB messenger, because my wife never wanted a FB account and used my account to access these chat groups (I hate that parents these days use stupid corporate closed chat apps instead of email). Now FB has decided that “someone else” used my account and now it wants my ID. Well screw that, I’m now giving them anything and my wife will just have to accept it.
I also reject them
Tucker did it for the memes https://image.nostr.build/7f31d66dd68cdcfad5614ef26782144183498890b375b356083f33223f0c4a74.jpg https://image.nostr.build/af70eff44ba368ee729ebf3ed7192b3f0afa2c59ee77d9c477b395ab8e061ec0.jpg https://image.nostr.build/6a61c6f3d70ddc5988b7be79f4a534a3021466a228d3b1a8a07676608c6af90b.jpg https://image.nostr.build/81ec77263a296b7816be97365573c09ca005a53771203ddb16d2e4d15e0865bb.jpg
https://notthebee.com/article/feds-had-financial-institutions-flag-terms-like-maga-and-trump-for-j6-investigation-even-marked-the-purchase-of-bibles-and-shopping-at-bass-pro-shop-for-investigation/ Did you buy a Bible recently? Congratulations! You just made it on a government watchlist!
I hope the owner of this car is not a man. But still, what is the owner trying to say, that she (he?) smells like a fish? https://image.nostr.build/3e8a5a8d7f6aca46f91937801372a0716f70fa3a84aa46f8081e6901d5813aa0.jpg
Finally the water on the fields froze and people enjoy it while they can. This didn't happen here (southern Slovakia) for many years. https://m.primal.net/HXjf.jpg https://m.primal.net/HXjd.jpg https://m.primal.net/HXjb.jpg https://m.primal.net/HXjc.jpg
I hope. I’m rather a small pessimist that will be pleasantly surprised than a great optimist that can be possibly disappointed :)
Where? They didn’t write any status update for a long time
Anyway instead of buying a new MacBook M3 Max I bought a new PC and put Nobara with KDE on it. It’s great to be back on Linux (I used Gentoo 2002-2004, Ubuntu 2004-2010 daily, then only sometime in VMs). I’ll use my old MacBook (2015) occasionally until it will die, then I’ll buy probably a Tuxedo AMD laptop.
So Plebstr is dead, Damus is dying, only Nostur and Primal are still kinda alive, but only Nostur seems to be actively developed. Maybe it’s time to get some old android device with grapheneos? I would rather have a Linux phone, but those still sux
Dňa a hodiny nie, ale sezónu áno. Je jasne napísané čo sa bude diať vo svete. Aspoň si pozri to video, lebo z tvojej odpovede viem, že si to nepozeral. Čaká nás svadba a správna nevesta očakáva a špekuluje a teší sa :). A nie že si povie “nevieme dňa a hodiny” a teda to nebude potom nijako riešiť. Ja osobne to očakávam vo veľmi blízkej dobe vzhľadom ns prebiehajúcu vojnu v Izraeli, rastúci tlak na uzavretie “mieru”, COP28 a ich 7 ročný plán na úplnú zmenu spoločnosti skrze 17 SDG (sustainable development goals), ktorá sa “musí” naplniť do roku 2030 (pozri https://focus2030.org , dole je odpočítavadlo). Na tému SDG a ako to súvisí s antikristom odporúčam pozrieť https://www.youtube.com/live/fAdGMdo0C-M