Front-end react developer building my own nostr client.
hzrd149 @hzrd149 - 1y
Added the option to use your existing NIP-65 relay set if you don't want to select relays. The reason the app prompts you to select relays though is I'm trying to get away from using the users NIP-65 relay set (Inbox/Outbox) relays for the general app configuration. Its not what the nip was designed for and its lead to users having 20+ relays in their Inbox / Outbox which makes it really difficult to find their notes. Also relay sets are much better solution then using the NIP-65 relay list as the apps default relays
I'm pretty sure that's not even a calendly link. Its comes from a domain
Do you have any protection for web apps asking users to sign event ids? I could see this being misused to get users to sign events without them being able to see what they are signing
just having fun building something on Sunday 😁
It should be there as long as you have an extension that is setting "window.nostr"
Hey nostr:npub1relayng8dfsg3kd0fepkgnl3z25m90jcg27zw9wkwf7tfpd93rasvffghm where is the big "Create new relay" button? I've logged in bug I cant seem to find a way to create a relay
#asknostr is there a service where I can pay x sats/month to have a temporary relay? I'm building something and I need to a public testing relay that I can reset when I'm done
I don't want your new fancy nextjs, sveltekit, nuxt or any other over complicated serverless framework. I just want a JavaScript app that compiles to html,css,js and only runs in the browser. Why? because I hating paying for hosting when hosting static files is free
I'm terrible when it comes to matching colors. hence the green color. I've thought about letting users add their own css to the app although im not sure how that would work yet
CORS causes so many issues for front end apps. I was going to build a cool user profile image resizing and caching web worker but there is no way to fetch the image due to browser "security"
I don't think I have any way of opening a specific app from the web browser. the best I can do is open a lghtning:// link and let the OS take the rest 😞
NUT-11, P2PK I'm still learning it myself and only nutshell supports it but its pretty strait forward. just encodes a "unlock script" into the secret of the token and then the mint requires a signature to use the tokens
These nuts are very safe. They are locked behind a pubkey
Posting these to nostr for safe keeping until I can write the code to redeem them 😁 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
A test 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
I'm calling all the Inbox and Outbox relays under a users NIP-65 relay list "Mailboxes". I think this would help communicate to users exactly what these relays are supposed to be used for. also NIP-65 "mailboxes" are useful for a bunch of other stuff besides DMs. (relay hints, gossip model, notifying users when tagging "p") My goal is to have the user setup 4-5 "mailboxes" when they first setup the app, then ideally never change them. Then the app can use a completely different list of relays, so the user could either use the gossip model or change relay sets on the fly
"mailboxes" are just the users Inbox and Outbox relays in nip-65 Their primary use is for other users to send "notification" events to the user. and for the user to publish their content to so others can find it. What relays the app is currently reading from can differ from a users "mailboxes". the best example of this would be the gossip model where a client is dynamically picking relays to pull the follow feed from
Maybe a controversial take but I don't think apps should be using the nip-65 relay list as the "app relays" Its supposed to be used as an inbox/outbox or a way for others to find your notes
I feel like there is a good story behind this...
svelte seems pretty good. although I've only been using it for 30 minutes or so