Silberengel @Silberengel - 1mo
#GitHub down. My Nostr repo is still up. Just saying.
thePR0M3TH3AN ✝️ 🥩 🍊 @thePR0M3TH3AN ✝️ 🥩 🍊 - 2mo
Soooo.... #GitHub is down. Any idea when #nostr git will be working?
Silberengel @Silberengel - 3mo
#Atlassian is what #GitHub wants to be, when it grows up. #devs
d7763 - 4mo
I wish #GitHub allowed for private comments. Way too often I subscribe to an issue only to later forget which one of my projects it was related to.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 7mo
We now have a couple of #GitHub clone workarounds. They're promising, and (which we use) is also relatively stable. But none of them are yet even close to replacing GitHub. And GitHub is being expanded, deepened and integrated, while we build. Stay humble.
ava @ava - 1y
GitHub leak exposes Chinese offensive cyber operations – researchers "The leaked documents supposedly discuss spyware developed by I-Soon, a Chinese infosec company, that’s targeting social media platforms, telecommunications companies, and other organizations worldwide. Researchers suspect the operations are orchestrated by the Chinese government." here's the leak: #cybersecgirl #privacytechpro #leak #hacking
GitHub rotated keys potentially exposed by a vulnerability patched in December that could let attackers access credentials within production containers via environment variables. This unsafe reflection vulnerability (tracked as CVE-2024-0200) can allow attackers to gain remote code execution on unpatched servers. It was also patched on Tuesday in GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) versions 3.8.13, 3.9.8, 3.10.5, and 3.11.3, with the company urging all customers to install the security update as soon as possible. #cybersecgirl #privacytechpro #github #patch #vulnerability
#github reminds users to enable 2fa before Jan 19
marina @marina - 1y
Maybe this why so many of my female friends on #Nostr use pseudonyms: “Researchers find software repository GitHub approved code written by women at a higher rate than code written by men, but only if the gender was not disclosed” Research from the Guardian article is from 2013, maybe there are newer/more uplifting numbers? If the topic interests you, another great researcher on the topic is Prof. Iris Bohnet
captjack 🏴☠️✨💜 @captjack - 1y
#github #bitcoin looks more #centralized than #miners PR #accept #reject best from lopp
nobody @nobody - 2y
For those of you who love to hate the place... #GitHub is down
Samuel #BTC @bitcoinstr - 2y
Just signed up for GitHub copilot. Added it to intellij ultimate using Java. Not real comfortable with it yet, but it might help with productivity. Using it at home for personal use only now. #github #AI #Githubcopilot I am thinking Micro$oft will squeeze as much money out of this as they can. But if it increase my productivity by even 20% it is worth it. Subscription is in fair at 100/ year.
16673 - 2y
What I did on the firenostr app could work. In essence, relays are like servers on discord, except that you may toggle multiple on at any given time. * People already know how a sidebar works in this setting, based on discord/telegram. * You can quickly toggle relays on/off
118cd - 2y
#GitHubDown. It's social media time. #GitHub
70bea - 2y
nostr:npub19z3ev8cq4efyn4kyew6tw3hns7fta9ncvmr32aedams0qg2lqefsspy5pv I actually know you can do this, read the docs.
7c579 - 2y
Leaving my classroom yesterday and took a photo of my desk. Haha. Such random yet connected items. We are but nodes of ideas and art. #GitHub #Batman #RussianDoll #Nostrich #QuarteredPick #FoolsGold #SunTzu #Marketing #Encryption #Watchmen #PriyaParker
0a2f1 - 2y
ssh "permissions are too open" - Stack Overflow #Linux #GitHub
a0216 - 2y
Gemini é um protocolo alternativo ao HTTP/HTTPS amplamente difundidos na internet, criado em 2019 e lembra muito a internet à 20 anos. eu particularmente gostei por não ter anúncio, pelo menos ainda não até o momento. #Gemini #Protocol #GitHub #Buran #F-Droid Clientes do protocolo Gemini: Um cliente navegador para Android: Wiki do protocolo Gemini:
Gemini é um protocolo alternativo ao HTTP/HTTPS amplamente difundidos na internet, criado em 2019 e lembra muito a internet à 20 anos. eu particularmente gostei por não ter anúncio, pelo menos ainda não até o momento. #Gemini #Protocol #GitHub #Buran #F-Droid Clientes do protocolo Gemini: Gemini: Um cliente navegador para Android: Wiki do protocolo Gemini:
Gemini é um protocolo alternativo ao HTTP/HTTPS amplamente difundidos na internt, criado em 2019 e lembra muito a internet à 20 anos. eu particularmente gostei por não ter anúncio, pelo menos ainda não até o momento. #Gemini #Protocol #GitHub #Buran #F-Droid Wiki Gemini: Clientes do protocolo Gemini: Um Cliente Navegador para Android: