Jay @Jay - 1d
#Butytho 😂🤣 I love it when the joke is in the tags. Sending warmth 🔥🔥
Yarnlady @Yarnlady - 1d
🥶🥶🥶 Whyyyyyyy is it 30 degrees?? Whyyyyy does the weather say it feels like 19 degrees?? I was wearing shorts last week. The wind was brutal this morning, my sinuses still hurt from the cold air. I know it's winter, and I know these temps aren't bad for some people, but I'm freezing and it's making me just a little crazy 😂🥶😫. #thisweathersucks #atleastthesunisout #amidoingthisrightrupertdamnit #texasisntsupposedtobethiscold #funwithhashtags #butytho