e54c2 - 12h
So sad that my #umbrel seems to have bitten the dust and that mean my Alby hub is at a loss , not sure what to do , as I didn’t purchase their hardware .. though it’s not a hardware issue . Who knows , maybe it will juts start working ,, it’s fairly depressing when you on ans off chain btc is probably lost now
G.M.Joe @G.M.Joe - 1mo
When China LLM for #Umbrel? 🤔
G.M.Joe @G.M.Joe - 2mo
Oh! Was ist denn da los. Scheinbar ist mein #umbrel down.
zyrotin @zyrotin - 2mo
I'm having an issue with my Umbrel lighting node since I've upgraded from 0.5 to 1.3 and I'm hoping if I #asknostr someone might know to do. Looking at the logs this seem to be the primary error- error setting cert before unlock: unable to generate or renew TLS certificate: open /data/.lnd/tls.key: no such file or directory I'm running it on a macmini. Thanks in advance :) #umbrel
Johano @Johano - 4mo
#Bhutan seems like a cool place... Government stacking #Bitcoin and their kids are playing #baseball 😃 nostr:nevent1qqsfmm222x2r5k4uktss06cd7k32qkv9tjjn942372gadq6vxd0tk4cpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43z7q3q0wv37amdqnv8edw5yktgsxr62g8k4lqkk2u66fk6c6uwuakzssxsxpqqqqqqz520756
Five @Five - 6mo
Ready for Troubleshooting! Go to https://satshoot.com/post-ticket/ and post your issues in these topics: #raspiblitz #bitcoin_core #start9 #umbrel #coldcard #bitaxe #satshoot #asknostr #troubleshooting
Johano @Johano - 8mo
#asknostr nostr:nevent1qqstqdudx8kf6scwy9wyh9vf4h4h3ua89mc5veef6tw76784z5kaqzspvemhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0dec82c330pk85amjwp5xs7rswpjhj6nhxpc8ymrhxpj8vurnd4urycfcdfjrv7tgde6rqdnrd3urv7nkdscxv7n6v3ekwcm9xamnq0mzwfhkzerrv9ehg0t5wf6k2q3qr2jr0vluq8k9cq5ehvh2qy0l5ee988m4j8x4j6w5rtpzz5g3nk7sxpqqqqqqzh72hxk
TKay @TKay - 9mo
I have installed, wiped, re-installed hundreds of OSes since I was 12. The #Umbrel OS 1.0 process for Linux devices is the scariest I have ever read. lol How will I ever upgrade my system? Lots of BTC at stake here. For anyone who attempted this with am active Lightning Node, any words of encouragement? #asknostr
TKay @TKay - 10mo
Anyone attempted to update their #umbrel to V1.1? How was your experience? I’m seeing boot issues from other people. Unable to recognize SSDs.
₿itcoin⚡️₿enito 13% @₿itcoin⚡️₿enito 13% - 10mo
Anyone got some updates for Umbrel Users on Linux? Website says Update for Linux coming in April. #umbrel #bitcoin
Merlin @Merlin - 10mo
Anyone torrent with #umbrel ? I want to use it as a seed box. Is the only way to seed to expose cloudflare? If I do that then anyone with that link can torrent on my umbrel which I don't want.
TKay @TKay - 11mo
Is there a way to make my #Umbrel a nostr signer? App creates events. App send event to my Umbrel. Umbrel signs it and sends back to the app. App published the event. Access to the signer through a username/password combo. This way, I don’t need to enter my nsec anywhere. Not sure if that’s how nsec bunker works or not. But if would be great if it did. #asknostr
9236f - 11mo
Yo nostr:npub1wa3qmrczfqe8ycsa8pad2nqm7cftzx5jv8rl8ynmgzzrfm98mclsc4jdrn nostr:npub1htnhsay5dmq3r72tukdw72pduzfdcja0yylcajuvnc2uklkhxp8qnz3qac nostr:npub1aghreq2dpz3h3799hrawev5gf5zc2kt4ch9ykhp9utt0jd3gdu2qtlmhct I am just setting up an umbrel home, I want to upgrade from my raspberry-pi node which is running versiob 0.5.4. Should I first upgrade my umbrel home to the latest version (I believe its 1.0.3 as of now) and then follow the migration steps from the migration assistant (https://community.umbrel.com/t/how-to-migrate-from-a-raspberry-pi-umbrel-to-umbrel-home/12930) or should I first migrate and then upgrade?
realjode @realjode - 1y
#Asknostr nostr:npub1te0uzs6vj29umjaxlqqct82j8q6ppyefrxq06dhr8d6pvwfatgkqjmjgwp I wonder if I could ask for a bit of help? I’ve maxed out my internal SSD running #umbrel apps/nodes and want to expand my drive size. Can I add an external usb drive ?
nobody @nobody - 1y
I would very strongly recommend checking out Tailscale. https://community.umbrel.com/t/how-to-use-tailscale-with-umbrel/6782 It is one of the easiest ways to have a secure connection to your home servers, and you won’t have to punch a hole in your NAT at home. Going to tag nostr:npub1f6ugxyxkknket3kkdgu4k0fu74vmshawermkj8d06sz6jts9t4kslazcka in here to double check I’m not giving bad advice.
RMX @RMX - 1y
Can #Umbrel be installed somehow as native OS (without using other Linux distro) on pc hardware?
TKay @TKay - 1y
I think enabling clearnet on my #umbrel node actually made things better. Interesting.
JC Denton @JC Denton - 1y
I want to migrate my LN node away from Umbrel to something better. Ideally something that will run on x86 (I have a ThinkStation with a 1TB SSD ready to go). I'm considering start9 and mynodeBTC. Is there something else I should look at? Do any of them offer easy migration from Umbrel or should I just start fresh and move my channels over via RTL or something? Suggestions welcome #bitcoin #umbrel #lightning #noderunners #nodestrich
Studio 3.14 Official @Studio314Official - 1y
Just got #Umbrel installed on the Pi 4. Hopefully, I can figure this out lol.
Guess I'm going the Umbrel route with my Pi 4. I have a 2 TB SSD and have ordered a MicroSD card writer so I can flash Umbrel OS to this SD I have. Very excited to play with the tech and see what I can get going. #umbrel #raspberrypi #relay