mleku @mleku - 2mo
it's way past my bedtime but #realy #devstr #progressreport have written most of the code to implement nip-40 expiration timestamp i traced it all the way in and decided that this is a feature that belongs in the event store, the event store should literally expire them when it bumps into them during a query so that's where it's gonna be and it's gonna be enforced because the user signed it with that in it. the end. expiration date has passed, sorry, doesn't exist anymore. simpler to put it here than anywhere else, if the event never gets seen for some time then ok, i may write a GC for this later but this is the first place to put it but i'll finish it tomorrow... gonna back up my data and go give my kitty a face bump and seeya in the morning #GN
ok, since i'm gonna spend another half hour or so on it tomorrow, i may even make a ticker in the event store that combs the database for these once a day or something, preemptively
Silberengel @Silberengel - 2mo
Wish every relay had expiring events. nostr:nevent1qqs2kn9gcu7letgcuwpdrg08f49c7px5ys0t77d80yjx3y7mluc6hegpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3qfjqqy4a93z5zsjwsfxqhc2764kvykfdyttvldkkkdera8dr78vhsxpqqqqqqz0yzwsd
Can you see it, now?
Expiration date is just a tag.
You must follow a lot of lame people who blocked Mleku.
I broadcasted it.