The AQUA Services enable you to create one or more single-signature, hierarchical deterministic (HD), non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets for certain supported digital assets, known as the AQUA wallet (“Wallet”) and to use the Wallet to store, send, request and receive supported digital assets.
Our Services are intended for use by persons who are knowledgeable about cryptocurrency generally and HD non-custodial wallets in particular. If you use our Services, you represent that you qualify as such a person.
Subject to the Agreement, we grant you a limited license to reproduce portions of AQUA Content solely as required to use the Services for your personal or internal business purposes. Unless otherwise specified in a separate license, your right to use any content and service is subject to these Terms. We are not a bank or financial institution and do not provide investment or financial advice, or consulting services to users of the Services. AQUA is solely the provider of the Services.
You must provide all equipment and software necessary to connect to use the Services. You are solely responsible for any fees, including Internet connection or mobile fees, that you incur when accessing or using the Services.
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