Laeserin @Laeserin - 5mo
All relays are paid relays. Not everyone will pay for a relay. Some people will, and that'll be enough. If only one person out of a million pays for a relay, that'd be... that'd be... That'd be a heck of a lot of relays.
⛩️oiz Caminero @⛩️oiz Caminero - 5mo
One per house One per neighborhood One per region Hmm... Maybe one for planet
Think about it this way: The architectural necessity for any one person to host a relay is not directly proportional to the number of users. That is why we don't need to put a relay in every client and therefore on every device (this would mean one person might end up with 3+ relays, which is complete overkill). If the network has 2 users, it'd be best to have at least 2 relays. The same, however, is probably also true at 10 users and 100 users. At 1000 users, you might want to add a 3rd relay. At 10000 users, 10 relays might be good. And so on.
⛩oizen @moizen - 5mo
Seeing it now 👀 What I could be missing then is the ability within a relay to 'sub-relay' in so a manner that a dedicated hardware could give service to different purposes... As I pointed with the 'house' and the 'region' relay, these already are, —in the sense of the nostr day-to-day experience—, alike theforest's and yabu's respectively: theforest's Stella house where friends and relatives are welcome; yabu's instead assures only people from certain region and language can write there; I haven't seen in that sense a 'neighborhood-relay' one yet... But then I could guess there would be stable fixed relays by the numbers you mention along several ones that comes and goes as they see fit 🤔