mleku @mleku - 6h
my life took a turn for the worst at pretty much the same time as he got arrested and locked up... a few months later i was arrested by bulgarian special police extremely violently and spent a year in prison there, and then after that i was pretty much homeless until 2017 when i was able to get myself started learning Go and in 2018 after failed crypto mining after the crash i got an opportunity to build a big thing and since then things have got better there is other reasons why i believe this year is going to be good, though, in june 25 there is a massive lunar/solar/jupiter conjunction in the last 1/3 of Cancer that is described in a 2500 year old book as marking the end of a dark age and beginning of a golden age so, here's to that 🍷 nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqx7n9gux57lx76yt8hrufq80cgwdj34586kpfwjt57p543m6y0nfqqstmlufc7lsgzwe0g6le0sed5xry386w9eprdm0atrakzrm0fsp4kgdfpnp3
mleku @mleku - 2h
you can find the mention of it in the Vishnu Purana It calls the third house of Cancer "the lunar asterism of Tishya" and says that this is a sign of the beginning of a "krita age" (golden age)