mleku @mleku - 1mo
my life took a turn for the worst at pretty much the same time as he got arrested and locked up... a few months later i was arrested by bulgarian special police extremely violently and spent a year in prison there, and then after that i was pretty much homeless until 2017 when i was able to get myself started learning Go and in 2018 after failed crypto mining after the crash i got an opportunity to build a big thing and since then things have got better there is other reasons why i believe this year is going to be good, though, in june 25 there is a massive lunar/solar/jupiter conjunction in the last 1/3 of Cancer that is described in a 2500 year old book as marking the end of a dark age and beginning of a golden age so, here's to that 🍷 nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqx7n9gux57lx76yt8hrufq80cgwdj34586kpfwjt57p543m6y0nfqqstmlufc7lsgzwe0g6le0sed5xry386w9eprdm0atrakzrm0fsp4kgdfpnp3
you can find the mention of it in the Vishnu Purana It calls the third house of Cancer "the lunar asterism of Tishya" and says that this is a sign of the beginning of a "krita age" (golden age)
lol, that seems shorter to me for some reason it was four seasons, and almost split neatly into 4 segments, the arabs, the balkani, the waiting for court, and the low sec end of sentence after bending over and making a plea deal in a corrupt legal system
also, yeah, it could have been at least 2.5 easily
yes, i was arrested ... hmm i forget now, i was released 29 august, i think my arrest was like 4th of september or so, in Lozenets, Sofia... i was told there was some mean things written about me in the local rags but nobody ever showed them to me
also, a few months before that i had chats with DPR about releasing my security deposit early because over 4 months i didn't manage to sell 1500 worth of merch... he said "i can't change this" and you know that ross wrote the code so i wasn't talking to ross lol and you surely have seen The Princess Bride and know DPR is a title not a name
yeah, i'm pretty sure my arrest won a huge grant for the bulgarian police force
also, yeah, i'm pretty sure it was 4th of september i was brutally arrested by the bulgarski spets politsiya because my cellmate was arrested 11th of september, a pot dealer, moroccan berber polyglot working as a translator and selling weed as a side gig, i got stuck in hospital for ... i forget how long, maybe a week, a week and a bit, when i finally lost my cool due to being sleep deprived due to being ankle cuffed to a gurney and the cops awake 24/7 with TV on while mostly they sat outside smoking cigarettes chatting shit, the doctors sent in a whole group of doctors to try and persuade me to not be forwarded to the remand center and i was like "BRO I CAN'T SLEEP AND I WANT TO SCREAM"
in the remand center, at one point the north african teenagers who were pretending to be adults in the cell i was locked into (3 of them with the moroccan berber guy and me in a space barely big enough to put two double bunks and a single) were drinking so much coffee and smoking so many mahorkas (bulgarian word for a common thing you will encounter in the game Metro 2033 and its sequels as many of the characters smoke them, usually made with newspaper or similar) were chatting shit loaded up on like 4 coffees each and i just wanted to fucking sleep and i ended up starting a fight with two of them, first a 16 year old algerian and then a ~19 year old moroccan, who i threw a boot at, to boot
well now you know of one case, i may have been bulgaria's only case
the doctors at the hospital were very surprised i didn't have a fractured skull based on the superficial wounds i got from my head being pounded into the pavement 7 times at least the pool of blood didn't get cleaned up, either, before i was released, i went back there to my old apartment, and it was definitely a ring around the size of a bread plate that my blood covered i have a very rubbery skeleton apparently... i've had two cases of cracked ribs (including the injury from the arrest) and one greenstick at age 15 from a skateboarding injury it's probably only that odd genetic propensity to highly silky bones that stopped me from getting a concussion, and it wasn't the first time in my life i had a head strike that normally would have led to a fracture, and i've learned now last time someone picked a fight with me i used my skull as a weapon and i will use it again if i ever have to
also, i helped a friend at some point later run an account on alphabay and he had, i think it was 8 bitcoin stashed in his alphabay wallet i tried to help him get his coins out where he was in control but he was too nervous about doing this... shit happens i had no idea about alphabay at the time, but then what happened was one of its admins got arrested in Bangkok and committed suicide in custody, and that was that for my mate's - what was equal to about $5000 at the time, earnings from his dealings (he had a hookup with a local pharmacist for benzos and opiates)