Niel Liesmons @nielliesmons - 5mo
#blossom bros, is there a way to link different resolutions or formats of the same file together? 🌸
Some event that says: this = this ? (Could be useful in general btw, now that I think about it. For linking npubs etc...)
Yeah: - switching resolution while watching a video - having a low data mode on podcast app that only downloads audio in 128kbps - etc... I remember nostr:npub1v0lxxxxutpvrelsksy8cdhgfux9l6a42hsj2qzquu2zk7vc9qnkszrqj49 alluding to something like during the Filemo panel in Nostrtiga but didin't get to ask.
One that's compatible with #blossom and Nostr's lack of a trusted central server?
The Fishcake🐶🐾 @The Fishcake🐶🐾 - 5mo
HLS and DASH or CMAF to make it work on both.