mleku @mleku - 7d
i'm seriously so tired of fucking nostr clients that don't fucking work i swear to God i'm gonna work my ass off with my current Move language work, stack my sats, and fuck you all i'm building a pure #golang GUI that will work on web (that supports wasm) and native desktop and mobile a simple thing, that actually works, that auths correctly, and shows you the actual data on relays when you search the feeds for them neither nostrudel nor coracle do either of these things correctly, at least, sometimes they sorta do, but there needs to be a legit fucking one-relay capable client out there that does not fuck around they all fuck around because they can because "but muh free access for the onboarding of starving africans in senegal" fuck you
anyway, i know i've made a breaking change, nice to know that the version i'm running on my VPS is working properly, sort of , but definitely next.nostrudel has busted auth somehow fixing this is going to be tedius i will do it soon
ok, i broke something anyway, y'all know this is part of this game if you play it