Benjamin Chodroff @benjaminchodroff - 4mo
My OSL Hong Kong account has been mysteriously shut down after only 3 months of opening, with a single BTC trade. I can’t tell if it was because one of my verified wallets gave them concerns, or perhaps because I am American (maybe they changed their policy), or perhaps because they found I am a permanent resident in China? Or maybe they don’t like that I only did 10k HKD and found their service ludicrously expensive. Who knows. It’s quite disappointing to see the state of Hong Kong these days. I also was denied a bank account at ZA due to being American and the HKMA complaint resulted in “oh well.” State of the world.
“Good luck… in your next life” haha
I found out the reason - they shut down the account because I am inside mainland China WITH a HK resident card. It’s a bit odd, but these days they will shut you down on just about anything.