Silberengel @Silberengel - 2mo
Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, my fellow Nostriches! An update on Project #Alexandria. We have, indeed, taken a few larger steps, lately. We are working on a Visualisation page and a Compose page: one important for readers, the other for writers. Neither are ready for wider use, yet, but we wanted to go ahead and show you what we're currently tinkering with. If you are following us on GitHub, we have moved Alexandria from the old indextr repo to a new, "official", nostr:npub1s3ht77dq4zqnya8vjun5jp3p44pr794ru36d0ltxu65chljw8xjqd975wz repo, so make sure to update your watches to . I've updated our project wiki page with much more information and lots of pretty screenshots. Enjoy! 😊*dd664d5e4016433a8cd69f005ae1480804351789b59de5af06276de65633d319 (p.s. The weird HTML tags are from the wiki app, not from the document. Will hopefully be corrected soon.)
liminal @liminal - 2mo
We're cooking stuff 🔥 nostr:nevent1qqs8989lujy8dj8fum0v9ev35atkf55cu99n8ve76qvzh070c5dwncsprdmhxue69uhhg6r9vehhyetnwshxummnw3erztnrdakj7q3ql5sga6xg72phsz5422ykujprejwud075ggrr3z2hwyrfgr7eylqsxpqqqqqqzms9t24
You must have the previous version cached, or something. I was moving repos around, this monrning. Try getting there from here:
What is questionable about it?
That ist just a longer version of what I wrote.