Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 1y
#Zapvertising is great, until it becomes spammy. I believe that users should have a choice in deciding how much their attention is worth. Is it 100 sats? 1000 sats? 1 sat? That's up to the individual. Thanks for pointing this out, nostr:npub1ew4nntskh08fzkwjusrc9u5627g639c5z6udc4q3a3plr9ns4naqxp6qlf 🤙🏻 nostr:nevent1qqszdhs6s0c8tmtny328qg9ge2p3mwvdp05fh38m8gnr0a3xfgykgcqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgs9pk20ctv9srrg9vr354p03v0rrgsqkpggh2u45va77zz4mu5p6ccrqsqqqqqpyrlxuz
I like it. This is great, man. Hopefully some other clients follow after you get this rolled out.
Amine @Amine - 1y
I second that! I came here to escape ads from the traditional social media model
And that's your opinion and your choice.
The models are entirely different, for now. We'll eventually have fully ad supported relays and clients here. It's only a matter of time. The difference between here and traditional platforms is that we have a choice to migrate to a different client and or relay.
tanel - 1y
not only that, what if i could customise the amount of sats that somebody can zap my note with, when they want to include an additional and/or what if there was a verification process for this? let’s say somebody zapped above my designated limit and linked something gore etc. that i wouldn’t want to be associated with my note
semisol @Semisol - 1y
The issue is zapvertising does not work unless either there’s a decent ROI Two ways exist: 1. higher profits per zap(example: selling products) 2. lower zap amount
There’s no reason for them to pay for your attention if it doesn’t earn them anything. So they will make spambots that look like real humans instead.
Zapvertisements are shittier advertisements with no guarantees to advertisers their ad will even *be seen*.
Clients can lie.
It’s dishonest to accept zapvertisements and not show them. At least with adblock advertisers don’t pay for shit that doesn’t get seen.
Because this is being touted as a new way of advertising while it is just a shittier version of the current model that only benefits leeches that want free money while ignoring the ads instead of client devs or both the recipient and advertiser.
Agree. Great is again an opinion. I think they're great over previous advertising models.
Congrats, we have reinvented ad networks on Nostr (Might be better though)
Clients are likely going to take everything for themselves since they need to somehow be sustainable. The user is getting value in form of the client though.
Non-paying users are a waste of resources. To the extent they can they will be monetized with ads.
Zach⚡️ @zforce - 1y
This isn’t 100% true. Social medias become much more valuable due to a network effect, and non-paying users add to the overall network of potential interactions and content. Imagine a scenario where there is a single road leading to your business. You pay to maintain the road, with the help of a few charitable people who really love your business. But the vast majority of people who use the road get to use it for free. It’s still incredibly valuable for you to have those people there - that’s why you’re ok with eating the costs of the road. Obviously this economic model is much more complicated than that simple example, with relays, clients, and users all being different economic actors (most of the time). But it is possible to have an equilibrium where everyone profits and a vast majority of people still use it for free.
Clients will start eroding cross-compatibility starting from minor things when they acquire a dominant position to the fullest extent they can.
Too bad for people like you and I the majority won’t give a fuck like how people decide to ignore suppression in Nostr clients if they can pay less.
Say that all you want but companies are not driven by purely goodwill but profit. Most clients for the other stuff catering to the general public will adopt Nostr and allow cross compatibility to the extent it benefits them.
chef4₿rains @chef4brains - 1y
So I haven’t used the lightning address I’ve been receiving #spamvertising to for some time. How would that have been procured? #asknostr
Via Nostr at some point most likely, whenever they crawled profiles.
Righto. Hopefully nostr:npub1getal6ykt05fsz5nqu4uld09nfj3y3qxmv8crys4aeut53unfvlqr80nfm implement something similar to nostr:npub1zk6u7mxlflguqteghn8q7xtu47hyerruv6379c36l8lxzzr4x90q0gl6ef ?