Leo Wandersleb @LeoWandersleb - 4d
So nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s came up with a podcast generator that turns a headline into a conversation and then a podcast with two voices talking about the topic. That sounds great and like it could actually generate a lot of money. Next he'll probably have the LLM pick the headlines, too based on how much past episodes generated, to churn out an episode every hour. And listeners will give their ⚡to surface what has actual value to them. The podcast generator would again feed to the biggest audience possible. But what if there was a way to make money going for the smallest niche possible?
I almost avoid Bitcoin podcasts as it's usually an hour of stuff I could have said myself, living and breathing Bitcoin since many years and maybe a few sound bites that are really nicely put what I also knew already. On the other hand, a podcast is great on subjects I'm not familiar with, where every argument is inspiring. But who wants to learn about only new stuff in new fields all the time? I want a tool that generates podcasts at the edge of my knowledge! Clearly, the edge of my knowledge is a niche market but with LLMs it should be possible to create this for really cheap. Feed the LLM with all my nostr posts. That should give it a clear idea of my interests and an educated guess about depth, preferred style and language etc. to create such a podcast. nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqvhpsfmr23gwhv795lgjc8uw0v44z3pe4sg2vlh08k0an3wx3cj9qyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2qgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcqpqp5egrm0j35vcs5p5a3zct9xk3t4e42va8mm4z5crsxnvd8pdyn3s502g9e
I'll happily listen to that one :D Split it into teaser and rest of podcast and release the full podcast only if the teaser gets enough zaps maybe?
A bit cringe. ... actually very very cringe CRINGE 😅 So they discuss my feed note by note and obviously I know what they are talking about, so that's funny but hardly "on the edge of my knowledge". In its current form it's more a game. "Guess who's feed they are talking about" I thought more of a podcast on the topics I'm interested in but taking for granted what I already know. Identify core interests of this author, pick 3 major topics for the podcast, estimate the author's knowledge, introduce topics telling an anecdote of the author to then dig deeper from there ... At some point the podcast just rushes through topics. What was the bone grinding about? It repeats some lines. videos and images are cryptic if you don't look at the actual media I guess. Lol. Image not found is intriguing. A bit of a puzzle. Especially cringe is the praising of mundane thoughts or even missing images but maybe this can be turned into some more explicit praise? "Why you should follow the author" kind of audio. Make it 5 minutes, discussing the notes with highest engagement ...