Laeserin @Laeserin - 10h
The ethnic cleansing of Christians out of #Syria is underway, to the surprise of absolutely nobody. This is always the islamic end game. Ignore people that claim there are exceptions to this because you can look at the supposed "exceptions" and see the few remaining Christians packing up their things and leaving.
Of course, this would all be much worse, if Germany hadn't mass-imported most of the cleaning crew to the Heart of Europe. Oh, don't thank us. Happy to help. Anytime.
I am sorry, but I'm not the one refusing to believe my lying eyes on this one.
Yes, whichever islamist team passes the finish line first, gets to do the cleaning.
I notice you're not pointing me to any exceptions that disprove my point.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 9h
A lot of the places on this map used to be majority-Christian or had large Christian minorities that are dwindling down to nothing because of emigration and ethnic cleansing. Either because the governments persecute them overtly, because the country has been overtaken by terrorists and warlords, or because the governments are indifferent to their well-being.
Alawiten were unusual, in being one of the few Muslim groups that were leaving the local Christians in peace, at least for now, and leading a largely secular regime. That is over.
stupleb @stupleb - 9h
Your Wikipedia quote says "reconquering", which means someone did something first.
Did you even read that passage, before you copied it in?
You haven't named the Muslim country with the flourishing Christian population, yet. I'll wait.
I never claimed otherwise. America supporting Muslims they know will persecute Christians has been the policy my whole life. And I have questions.
Palestinian-Jordanian Muslim assures us that Christians live peacefully in the Middle East. No Christians were available locally, in his previously majority-Christian countries, for comment.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 8h
Assad regime was secular. That's why the islamic revolutionaries have been trying to topple it, for decades, and institute sharia. Which they are now busy doing. Secular regimes in Muslim-majority countries are inherently unstable. Just look at Egypt. As soon as they could freely vote, they voted in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Brain-dead Americans think that Islam is the Religion of Peace and they actively help islamic fundamentalists topple secular regimes, wherever they can, because that's "spreading democracy".
stupleb @stupleb - 8h
The land in question happened to have never been stolen or conquered by Christians though, which is specifically what was being discussed.
The fact that almost all Muslims aren't out killing their local priest isn't an argument I find convincing to recommend majority-Muslim countries to Christians. Almost all Nazis also didn't kill any Jews, but Jews probably shouldn't move to countries run by Nazis.
And you are the very first to mention anything like that in this thread. Congrats.
I doubt it beats resource scarcity and acquisition. Maybe #2?
Only later were the crusaders scum.
I agreed with you, but added the condition of time.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 7h
Yeah, nope. Sorry. Hezbollah is there.