mleku @mleku - 12d
#GM it's hella windy and rainy outside rn here in soggy Boa Ventura I woke up at my usual wake-up time but couldn't hear anyhting but wind and rain at one point it got a bit quieter and there was the robin tooting away and off in the distance a rooster then the light got to a certain point and i'm like, ok, i have to get up now, even though i felt like i was laying there awake to the sound of the storm for 3 hours the sounds of the storm are greatly magnified with the thin little roof on this place, i was there dreading that maybe something would come unbolted and flap around and let rain in and stuff haha probably time for a shower also definitely tough to maintain a small wardrobe in a clean state in this weather... takes almost 2 days for things to dry on the line i put up on the second floor anyway, i love this weather... absolutely no sensations telling me there is another person in the world disrupting my thoughts oh yeah and new discovery fully confirmed, my bad habit of drinking red wine has come to an end because clearly it is contaminated with gluten because this rash has got really bad on my elbo, not clearing up, and my intestines were so upset for weeks now, all clearing up so quickly here's to a better day