I think the reason this dumb #clientwars is so depressing to me is, as an Android user, and strong opensource believer I spent a ton of time fighting apple.
Fighting apple to install Linux, can't win cause they put their hardware fixes in proprietary software driver blobs and self destructs.
Fighting apple to text my friends and family, can't win cause iMessage stealth drops messages and shames my texts. Disables notifications for signal and makes photos and videos unreadable.
Fighting apple to try and get people to learn about their devices when I don't own one myself.
The number of times I've been told "just get an iphone" is staggering.
So here we are, 2023 edition.. Nostr only has one client for apple, and it's damus. It has no side loading, can be taken from the iStore at any time, and.. to top it off, can't share photos with Android. The level that this annoys me is >9000. 😂
So, please bear with me, if I sound disgruntled. I never give up fighting stupid closed source shit like apple. I have died on many hills and helped Linux rise to the top against overwhelming pressures of Megacorps by fighting, contributing, and teaching.
That being said, if you're a true apple believer and a dev, I'd recommend making a nostr 'browser/sign-in' app, that can use any number of great web clients and give your ecosystem the variety and choices that it deserves. Even the best intentioned dev, is gonna get hamstrung by apple someday and I don't think all the eggs should be in one damus basket.
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