Erik Cason @erikcason - 16d
What excites me the most about Nostr is that we now have a protocol from which we can build literal killer apps. The internet was suppose to be free, and only over the last 30 years did it become walled off and enslaved to corporate and government interesting alike. I want to see us build each and every FOSS app possible to compete with and destroy the corporate apps, as our data is ours, and it should no longer be free for the raping and pillaging for fiat companies, with fiat interest, and fiat lords who are more than happy to sell you out to whomever they please. I’m here to watch the old internet die as much as I’m here to watch the new one we are birthing together.
calvadev⚡️ @calvadev⚡️ - 15d
The Internet is dead, long live the internet! nostr:nevent1qqsx8df8ky3t7d4fuympqp5wfqsqs8ltgqeknuccg07r3rcetcjsgrqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3qhk0tv47ztd8kekngsuwwycje68umccjzqjr7xgjfqkm8ffcs53dqxpqqqqqqzz2y2e5
Erik Cason @erikcason - 15d
They were naive, but also we needed to go through the cycle of its commercialization to see how awful and abusive it was to create a generation of people who are cynical enough about it to see it for the reality it is. We needed something like bitcoin to allow for market exchange outside of the state to create development without state identity imho.