Silberengel @Silberengel - 4d
Nonprofits are an attempt to demonize capitalism by making the pursuit of profit seem tawdry.
mleku @mleku - 4d
and demonizing capitalism is usually the whole mission of most of them, and usually they are founded by bankster money and fed a constant stream of support to continue their corruption associations are not really the same as non profits though they throw them in the same basket, and religions are a type of association we should form an association, not a corporation yes we want to make money but affinity and shared purpose is why we work together
They use tax breaks to preach this sort of commie balderdash and skew the market toward NGOs and away from honest businessmen, in the process. Nobody is stopping you from donating your profits to charity or reinvesting them, or simply tossing your wallet in the ocean, if you hate money so much. The amount of inefficiency and political corruption NGOs have brought to the marketplace is simply astounding.
No, I am part of a software company. A group of people pursuing a shared purpose is what a company is. And a company should add enough value to the market that it can extract some of that value as profits, while leaving the market larger than when they entered it. Or it should go away. This is capitalism and it is good.
Yes, nothing so fiat, as drowning in so much free money, that nobody expects you to ever deliver returns.
I mean, read what you just wrote. ...they are ALLOWED to have a profit. Fucking outrageous, that.
Cry harder.
That, too.