6389b - 1y
nostr:npub19dthxrkpe3rd94t97p9a4svnqqmr8kvznm8eyqy70yrxh884c0kqlnqv0g has created a #Permies page on Satellite. We could use more people posting about #permaculture #regenerativeagriculture and such there. Satellite is #nostr based and has a 'community' feel to it (i.e. n/Permies) like reddit used to be. When I post something on n/permies it gets blasted to many other noster clients like Primal so it's leveraging one of the most powerful aspects of nostr: you don't have to 'rebuild' a following. You already have your following and they will all see it. This is a very good way catagorize and currate what you want to see; when I am on n/permies I only see the notes posted to that group and nothing else. Maybe nostr:npub15879mltlln6k8jy32k6xvagmtqx3zhsndchcey8gjyectwldk88sq5kv0n could help spread this around? #gardening #grownostr #sustainableliving #foodforest #homesteading https://satellite.earth/n/Permies/npub19dthxrkpe3rd94t97p9a4svnqqmr8kvznm8eyqy70yrxh884c0kqlnqv0g